
Driving Economic Equity
Through Mentorship

The StreetWise Partners Mission

StreetWise Partners advances economic equity by connecting underrepresented talent to mentorship and career opportunities within the New York and D.C. Metro areas. Our programs empower adults, ages 18-65 with the skills, resources and access to networks to secure and maintain employment. 

 Today, professional skills and networks are just as important as an education, but they are not distributed equally.  Where you grow up, go to school and whether your parents are college educated make a difference, sometimes 12x the advantage in gaining access to career opportunity. 

 This is Your Time to become a mentee, to volunteer with us, to partner with us, to fuel change. 

“If somebody’s investing their time and resources in me, then I’m going to respect that and put in the work to finish the program. StreetWise was a hand extending to help me keep believing even when I didn’t feel worth it. People believed in me so I kept pushing.”

- Marianela, StreetWise Partners Alumnus

Some partners that fuel our mission