Employer Partners

Diverse companies are strong companies. According to a 2018 McKinsey report, companies in the top-quartile for workforce diversity are 33% more likely to financially outperform their less diverse counterparts. StreetWise Partners provides adult job seekers from diverse backgrounds with critical mentorship to unlock careers historically unavailable to them. Our graduates are driven, self-motivated, and highly skilled job seekers who are prepared to take on the challenges that face your company.

Equity in your workplace. This is how we ignite change.

Front Door To Hire: StreetWise has a large network of diverse entry-level talent that is qualified and driven to exceed expectations. We are a front door for employers to hire great people.

Save Time: We source qualified talent based on your company's need and culture, saving you time and money.

We Make it So Easy: We manage the process from start to finish by scheduling interviews, managing communication and providing feedback.

Our Work is Never Done: We guarantee that all StreetWise talent begin their employment with a mentor to guide them through the early days of employment

“We are in a competitive labor market and are always looking for the best talent. Engaging with StreetWise really allows us to bring in diverse perspectives, access talent in the local communities. That really helps us get a leg up when we are competing with others in our industry.”

- Kim Lee, Chief Financial Officer, Global Atlantic Financial Group

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